The Hunger Games Fanon Wiki

This tribute is owned and created by Nightlock Kryptonite, please refrain from using her without my permission.

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Ariellis Rhineheart
Ariellis Rhineheart
Name Are-e-el-is Rine-heart
Age 13
District Capitol
Gender Female
Weapon Traps
Best Placing N/A
Best Training Score N/A
Best Odds N/A
Made By Nightlock Kryptonite


Name: Ariellis Rhineheart

Age: 13

District: Capitol

Gender: Female

Weapon: Claws

Alternate Weapons: Nets, Traps, Awl

Personality : Arie is a quiet, shy girl. She seems prone to injuries and is very concious of her

Appearance. She rarely speaks if she doesn't have too.

Strengths: She is quick and nimble. She is also a superb swimmer and very loyal

Weaknesses: Not that strong and she is very dumb

Alliance: The Careers

Fears: Spiders and centerpieds

Backstory : Arie had a normal capitol girl life, She enjoyed Buying things, She was raised to be a perfect trophy wife. She always upset her mother by being so hidden, She always wore jackets and grew out her hair, And refused to dye her skin which caused her mother to be angered with her constantly. Her father, However, Enjoyed his Daughter's Individuality and the want to aspire to something greater then a Capitol pariah, Arie had wanted to become a famous fashion Designer, And the clothes she sketched were beautiful. She always studied and was greatly interested in the industry of District 8, She thought it was cool how they created cloths and the actual fact that the whole District's industry is all to do with materials, She always enjoyed Designing. By the time she was 12 she became very self-conscious, It was due to her mother though because he was very afraid of the woman, Who forced her to do things to become prettier, She was forced to dye her skin blue, To get a Tattoo on her back of a Music Box, And do whatever else her mother thought would make her look pretty, She even got her Ears modified to look like a Fish, She hated it and always covered her ears with her hair. She cried herself to sleep most nights. Eventually her father put a stop to her controlling mother and divorced her, taking custody of Ariellis. Arie was finally allowed to be herself, She designed her own clothes (which she gained many compliments from), Was able to dye her skin back to Tan, And was ultimately much happier. She was reaped, She simply broke down and cried, Unable to walk up the peacekeepers carried her. Her mother looked uncaring while her father teared up, Knowing his Daughter will be gone for good.

Nightlock Kryptonite's Tributes
Victors Liv Seasal - Emerald Opal - Trigger Storm - Karla Flake - Gloom Ivy
Signature Tributes Harley Swoop - Piper Quinn - Mimic Slaughter - Zak Slaughter - Helena Krisp
Capitol Tabby Euphoria - Ariellis Rhineheart - Absol Solstice
District 0 Valerie Moonshine - Violet Cascade
District 1 Emerald Opal - Glow Décor - Toph Beifong
District 2 Trigger Storm - Alvin Dover - Kaylee Yorane
District 3 Karla Flake - Plus Silence - Minus Silence
District 4 Liv Seasal - Riley Apocalypto - Rift Coral
District 5 Theodore Vendetta - Jolt Everest - Amanda Leinheef
District 6 Mimic Slaughter - Zak Slaughter
District 7 Lydia Hollow - Autumn Fall
District 8 Wichita Firehill - Elipsis Empirical
District 9 Bailey Starshine
District 10 Helena Krisp - Tenzen Astray
District 11 Gloom Ivy - Auburn Friday
District 12 Twix Cinders - Delilah Brooklyn
District 13 Harley Swoop - Piper Quinn
District 14 Christina Shatter