These Tributes originate from either Districts 1, 2, 4 or 14, or they ally with the careers in general.These tributes usually survive the bloodbath and mostly last untill the final 8.
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- Abel Black
- Accura Acelca
- Ace Dagger
- Acelina Moreau
- Adam Hills
- Adam Loktcheback
- Adenine "Addie" Boulvie
- Adrian Alistar
- Adriana Nereus
- Aiden Wang
- Airyn Forest
- Alana Woak
- Alaska Ralston
- Albion Danbury
- Alcyone Aquiver
- Alessia Miller
- Alex Fillie
- Alexander Creepsley
- Alexander Snapper
- Alexis Mason
- Allan Seashore
- Allegro Rush
- Allura Glitter ~ District 1
- Alvin Dover
- Amalia Golding
- Amanda Dorian
- Amanda Selkirk
- Amarantha Loch
- Amber Barren
- Amber Gale
- Amber Miller
- Amber Seaside
- Amethyst White
- Amina Stryker
- Amme Ilorenzo
- Amphitrite Avisa
- Amphitrite Velas
- Amy Oceania
- Amy Waterborne
- Ana Blossom
- Anais Morrisa
- Analisa Latimer
- Anders Longtail
- Andrew 'Andrea' Feather
- Angelique Schlano
- Angic Hemelio
- Anke Artig
- Annabeth Elosegui
- Antoinette Paris
- Aphrodite Lancaster
- Apollo Doyle
- Apolo Waterra
- Aquamarine Summerton
- Aquarius Seacrest
- Arc Remond
- Ariellis Rhineheart
- Arran Harthorn
- Arsone Waters
- Arvum Bos
- Ascher Brilliance
- Ash Nicholson
- Ashley Sutherland
- Astra Diall
- Astrid Letterson
- Atlantis Tridenti
- Aung Phyu San Khin
- Aurelia Rhynestone
- Aurora Bodis
- Austin Sawper
- Ava Winter
- Ava Zachard
- Avery Dramen
- Avid Dime
- Axel Tubman
- Axinite Peridot
- Aylona Green
- Bastien Orfeo
- Beauty Diamond
- Bellamy Blake
- Bellum Cavallo
- Bembridae Clayton
- Berke DeFlint
- Beryl Jasper
- Beta Spring
- Blade Johnson
- Blair Lake
- Blake Scarr
- Blaze Flare
- Bliss Creme
- Blue West
- Bone Corlaya
- Brandeis Phthalo
- Brandon Shakkels
- Brass Sater
- Brass Titanium
- Bria Evans
- Bridget Jewel
- Bridgette Dime
- Bridgette Wells
- Britannia Lyon
- Bronze Lucrian
- Brooke Aguado
- Brooke Waterborne
- Bryndon Jacobson
- Buck Rockwell
- Cadence Rivet
- Cady Heron
- Caius Celsus
- Caius Rays
- Calix Shadow
- Callisto Evergrow
- Calypso Rune
- Calyx Aerox
- Camille Evander
- Candace Jasper
- Candy Orenson
- Canine Leifio
- Canyon Dusk
- Carmine Morrisa
- Carolin Slate
- Carolina Blanchett
- Caspin Shimmer
- Cassandra Oracion
- Cassiel Midnight
- Cayla Unastrong
- Celer Brawnt
- Celestial Mayberry
- Celina Ambers
- Cervantes Sinclair
- Chad Peirce
- Chance Sky
- Chandler Fishler
- Chasodie Melon
- Chione Nereus
- Chisel Jaws
- Chloe Black
- Chloe Marx
- Chloe Neuro
- Chlorine Brandt
- Christina Parthenon
- Chroma Gwyneira
- Chrysalia Fortuna
- Cicero Aquila
- Cinder Marsh
- Citrine Gleam
- Clay Barines
- Cleo Sinclair
- Clotho Thraetal
- Clydesdale Jockey
- Cobalt Nickle
- Cole Harrison
- Colton Thorne
- Copper Brilliance ~ District 1
- Copper McPrice
- Coral Neptune
- Coralia Wave
- Coralyn Halimeda ~ District 4
- Courtney Dax
- Cove Lowson
- Coy de Colville
- Cristopher Kosmos
- Cyra Vonn
- Cyrus Mica
- Daenerys Kystrel
- Dagmar Karlsson
- Daisy Lucrian
- Dana Floodbanks
- Danger Dawnhawk
- Darius Asterin
- Dazzle Glathworth
- Dazzle Sparks
- DeAnna Falco
- Delta Moore
- Demon Axewood
- Dempsey Corbett
- Derek Luthe
- Derek Saltine
- Diamond Celestia
- Dimity Mexx
- Dondo Grouge
- Dove Fyred
- Drachma Dornus
- Draco Petra
- Draco Thomas
- Draekora Vere