Tributes of the Hunger Games.
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"The Phoenix" ~ District 12
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- Aaliya Puregold
- Aaliyah Dawson
- Aaron Song
- Abaddon Lumo-Mallumo
- Abel Black
- Abraxas DeMagneto
- Abriella Quillian
- Absol Solstice
- Acacia Guinevere
- Acacia Paragon
- Acacia Range
- Acacia Spruce
- Acacia Twilight ~ District 7
- Accura Acelca
- Ace Avenir
- Ace Dagger
- Acelina Moreau
- Acorn Fields
- Adam Hills
- Adam Loktcheback
- Addie Benttham
- Addison Waters
- Adelina Munroe
- Adeline Silverbead
- Adelle Searling
- Adelphus Artois
- Adenine "Addie" Boulvie
- Adirus Flur
- Adreanna Danish
- Adrelis Monricer
- Adrian Alistar
- Adrian Munroe
- Adriana Chloris
- Adriana Lony
- Adriana Nereus
- Adrianna Marsk
- Adron Phelan
- Aeila Freedome
- Aemilia Bark
- Aeralene Ekiert
- Aeria Greenley
- Agleam Delmont
- Aidan Michaels
- Aiden Wang
- Aimee Alexandria
- Aimee Blair
- Ainsley Silverbead
- Airyn Forest
- Aislyn Latona
- Ajax Orbit
- Akira Raizel
- Akumai "Tenshin" Kubaya
- Alana Myers
- Alana Woak
- Alaric Crawford
- Alaska Ralston
- Albion Danbury
- Alcyone Aquiver
- Aleksandr Estrene
- Aleksi Nordyr
- Alessia Larson
- Alessia Miller
- Alex Fillie
- Alex Hasa
- Alexander Creepsley
- Alexander Olympus
- Alexander Snapper
- Alexandria Maydon
- Alexandrine "Alex" Haines
- Alexandrite Bohamia
- Alexis Castle
- Alexis Mason
- Alexis Olympus
- Alexis Pouncer
- Alexis Slate ~ District 2
- Alexis' Rival
- Alfred Friedrich
- Alice Burn
- Alice Piper
- Alice Withers
- Alice Wonder
- Alice’s Tribute Bank
- Alicia Calvert
- Alicia Long
- Alifair Crocker
- Alissa Metal Beam
- Alita Oakley
- Aliya Andropov
- Allan Pisces
- Allan Seashore
- Allana Darkbloom
- Allegra Astor
- Allegro Rush
- Allison Rayle
- Allison Zenith
- Allium Arcson
- Allix Blester
- Allix Hundson
- Allura Glitter ~ District 1
- Alluria Nexus
- Ally Derella
- Alma Harlow
- Alona Lorelle ~ District 7
- Alpha Quells
- Alphonsus Hale
- Aluyre Lincoln
- Alvida Pearl
- Alvin Dover
- Alyra Summerdance
- Alyss Shepherd
- Alyssa Ridge
- Alyssa Starfish
- Amalia Golding
- Amalthea Yarden ~ District 13
- Amanda Dorian
- Amanda Leinheef
- Amanda Richards
- Amanda Selkirk
- Amarantha Loch
- Amaryllis Blackberry
- Amaryllis Heart
- Amaryllis Skylark ~ District 12
- Amaya Selene
- Amber Barren
- Amber Burn
- Amber Gale
- Amber Miller
- Amber Seaside
- Amber Sunclair
- Amelia Aeris
- Amelia Song
- Amelia Steeltoe
- Amethyst Glow
- Amethyst Moraitis
- Amethyst White
- Amethystia Thall
- Amina Stryker
- Amina Yonee
- Amira Blodwen ~ District 9
- Amity Grace ~ The Capitol
- Amity Law
- Amity Rose
- Amme Ilorenzo
- Amphitrite Velas
- Amun Creek
- Amy Light
- Amy Oceania
- Amy Song
- Amy Waterborne
- Ana Blossom
- Ana Pollis
- Ana Shadowsinger
- Anabel Tinder
- Anais Morrisa
- Analisa Latimer
- Anastasia Stark
- Anders Longtail
- Andrea Kolly
- Andrew 'Andrea' Feather
- Angel Wisp
- Angelica Sinclair
- Angelina Stotch
- Angelique Schlano
- Angic Hemelio
- Angry birds12's Tributes
- Angus Augustus
- Anke Artig
- Anna Tommie
- Annabel Olympus
- Annabelle Barton
- Annabelle Clark
- Annabelle Harret
- Annabeth Demeke
- Annabeth Elosegui