The Hunger Games Fanon Wiki

Ksenia Agricola[]

“It’s Ksenia Agricola B****. You shall deal with that.” - Ksenia

“Ah, è la cumbia della noia (ah, and the cumbia of boredom)” - Ksenia, talking to herself (originally sung by Angelina Mango)

This character is created by Alice exists. Please do not use Ksenia without permission.

Ksenia Agricola Picrew Image

Ksenia Picrew

Ksenia is yet to be used in a tournament.

Her district partner is usually either Hector Wheatley or Arancini Centrella (though her backstory may have to be slightly tweaked) Ksenia, however, does not need to be submitted with them.

General Information:[]

Full Name: Ksenia Ana Agricola

District: 9 (7, 11)

Reasons for Winning: not any particularly

Strategy: Join alliance with district partner and any other member with similar skills, or trustworthy allies. Play first few days safe, but she won’t be afraid to make kills. Use every single skill advantageously, and refuse to let any weaknesses hinder her.

Fears: not feeling safe, losing allies


Ksenia is really competent with a multitude of skills, ranging from her gymnastics and toxicology skills, to her experience working on the Agricola farm.


Being a gymnast, Ksenia is great at speed, agility and strength. She can also endure lots of pain, and is not an easy target when being aimed at. Ksenia is really swift, fast and smart with her every move. You can count on Ksenia to stay alive.


Working on a wheat farm for almost all of her life, Ksenia is very competent with a scythe. She is also good with bows and arrows and poison and its identification, due to her background in forensic toxicology.

Token: Pendant with her mother’s ashes


Ksenia is of average height for her age, being 5’5, a lot tall than most gymnasts. She has long slightly curly blonde hair, which is usually styled into a bun, ponytail or braid. Her skin is slightly tanned, partially due to her Arabic heritage and the long hours she had spent in the sun working. She has a smaller physique, which doesn’t make Ksenia’s undeniable strength evident. Ksenia is on the attractive side, though she doesn’t commonly put effort into her appearance when she’s not performing, though she will if need be.


TW! ‼️⚠️ ab*se, neglect, murd3r, swearing

Ksenia was born to landowners in a richer part of district nine. Shortly after Ksenia was born, her mother passed. Though her siblings were very upset about this, their father did not seem to be at all. In fact, he didn’t even cry at her funeral. He seemed unfazed towards her death. Within in a few days, he had found a new partner. By the next year, Ksenia had two half brothers. When they were born, Ksenia and her siblings began to get less privileges than their half brothers. Her and her four sibling had to sleep in a basement, while their other half siblings had their own rooms, their own bathroom and a playroom, which was strictly only for them. By the time Ksenia was seven, she had five half siblings, all of them being much more privileged. When Ksenia was eight, she had been working on the Agricola wheat farm, for over two years, just to be fed, while her half siblings played with each other, barely regarding their existence. Except for Misty. Misty was two years younger than Ksenia, and often snuck around, talking to Ksenia and her siblings when were commonly bored during their work.

Misty would even sometimes slip them some extra food once she figured out where the basement they were staying was. She explained to them that they were told by their parents that they were only farm workers, and living free on their property. The five of them stared in shock. Misty continued to explain that her mother wasn’t great either. She would often pressure them into staying silent for hours, reading to themselves, and then disappearing for hours. There was something off about her.

When Ksenia wasn’t working, she was doing gymnastics or dancing. She didn’t like gymnastics and dance, she absolutely loved them! On her farm she would practice any moment she got, especially while her sister Elsa sang. When she befriended the daughter of a district nine politician, Ksenia was offered a chance to train at her house’s gym for free. Ksenia, excited to do something other than school and work, was really excited about the opportunity. She began to sneak out of their basement window, informing her siblings where she was going. They didn’t seem to mind Ksenia’s nightly expeditions across town, and along with Misty, even offered to make her a decoy body if their room was checked at night, which rarely happened as they were often forgot about. Ksenia became incredible at gymnastics by the time that she was eleven, winning small talents shows, and putting on performances for birthday parties, she enjoyed it, even though all the money she collected was to be spent on her half siblings, who seemed to double in numbers every minute. Ksenia and her sibling couldn’t even remember how many they were. When Ksenia was returning from a performance, when she was eleven, she found the house was a mess.

After a quick search-through, Ksenia had found the bodies of Misty and her brother Roma. She had collapsed from the shock. They both had toxic residue on their clothes, and their skin were discoloured. Fearing for the worst, Ksenia pressed a cloth which she had soaked towards her mouth, but it seemed she didn’t need to soak it, it was being wet enough just by her tears. The rest of her siblings and parents were nowhere to be seen, and Ksenia then realised the game’s finale was on. She never particularly thought amazingly of them, though she wasn’t scared for her reaping. Ksenia had just sat by herself, trying to fight her tears. By the time she had called the peacekeeper force, it was way too late. Ksenia knew that her stepmother did it, she just needed proof. When she couldn’t find any, and the case went cold, Ksenia vowed to become a forensic toxicologist, to finally close the case. Not many had the skill of teaching an eleven year old poison science, so Ksenia obtained a few books on the subject, though they weren’t particularly descriptive.

Then she recalled someone who would know exactly what she wanted to be taught. Vilja Atropine. She had won the games when she was a few years older than Ksenia, poisoning her way to victory. She was feared among the population of district nine, with a lot of them thinking she was insane. Vilja’s house in district nine was something you just knew to stay away from. Was that going to stop Ksenia? Take a guess. After concluding one of her gymnastics showcases, Ksenia saw the perfect opportunity. She hitched a ride to just outside Victor’s village. She’d walked up to her house, avoiding broken glass and empty bottles. It was clear to her she didn’t belong here. As she worked up the confidence to go up to the door, knocking, Ksenia called:

”Miss Atropine? Vilja? Vilja Atropine?” After a few more attempts, Ksenia was met with a rather disorderly looking woman, who couldn’t have been over thirty. It looked as if she had gotten dressed in five seconds.

“Miss Atropine! I’m-“ Ksenia began, masking the way she’d usually talk with a more professional demeanour.

“That acrobat girl. What was your name? Elia? Marcia? No it was… Ksenia.” Ksenia was trying not to break her role.

“And also, darling, don’t try to hide the way you are. We are unprofessional in this house.” Ksenia was shook. Not only did she know who she was, but seemed to read minds. Why did the district dislike her?

”Miss Atropine-“

”Please, call me Vilja,” she took a pause before Ksenia could say anything, “so what brings you here darling?”

”This…” Ksenia put a file of her family’s case on the table.” As Vilja began to read, Ksenia brought up something else “how do you know about me?”

“Darling, I may almost never leave the house but that doesn’t mean I’m not aware of what’s around me. I mean look at you! You’re a star! Do a flip for me!” Ksenia happily obliged. This was going better than she intended?

”Well,” began Vilja as she finished reading the file “what did you think may have caused it?”

”My stepmother…” the room went back to silence, “Vilja…”


”Why do the people of the district hate you?” After Ksenia said that, Vilja just turned on the tv. Vilja was seen younger, in the games. Her partner was… her little brother: Viljar. They’d made it to the final three together, and were battling the final three tributes. They’d managed to takedown the girl from four, though the boy from seven and the boy from four were still fighting back. Vilja’s poison arrows had from the district four female’s body had been picked up by the district seven male, and from the angle that the hidden camera was at, it looked like Vilja had shot that arrow. Viljar was then struck by attacks from the other remaining tributes. On that same day, Vilja had killed both of them as vengeance for her brother.

“When I returned back to the district, there was big debates on whether I did indeed kill my brother. I got back to find that my father had died, and everyone hated me.”

”Vilja…is there anything I can do?”

”No. We can still keep your brother and sister’s spirit alive though. I’ll teach you everything I know.”

”Why… are you doing this for me?”

”You were my first visitor in ages, I wouldn’t wanna scare another person off, would I?”

As she grew older, Ksenia still took lessons from Vilja, and almost knew everything there was to know about toxicology, though every time she tried to close the case, Ksenia was always denied, and it would often enrage her. She was always told to ‘stick to gymnastics’, which Ksenia seemed to always go back to doing. Ksenia knew that it would be too late soon. It could even be to late now. She found some degree of joy in gymnastics, and much as her skills were taken advantage of. She fought the urge to tell them about her connections to Vilja, though Vilja always advised against it. “You don’t deserve that treatment because of me.”

”Vilja… why won’t you adopt me? I know my ass ain’t great to have to keep up with. But…” Ksenia asked while Vilja was showing her detection of poison during one of her visits.

”Believe me I’d love to, honey. I’m just not in the right position to adopt right now. And as everyone knows, the district would be outraged if they knew of this. And your are WAY to much of a gem for your dad to give up, as much as a bitch he can be.” Ksenia just smiled, and they continued their lessons.

“Well let’s show my b****y as* family what I’m made of.”

By the time she was fourteen, she became even of a spectacle in district nine, performing for shows, this time with fire, which Ksenia became competent with.

“This bitch is on fire now”

She continued her work to try to close their case, though she never was taken seriously. Most of the time people would just laugh in her face. “It’s way too late now…” said Ksenia. Ksenia had grown up, and that was evident in the way she spoke, dressed and acted. Ksenia in the public eye was a “perfect little circus sweetheart’. She would get people staring at her in public a lot, and occasionally some of them thought of her as ‘a circus freak’ though some seemed to be absolutely obsessed with her.

Her stepmother seemed to resent this. Ksenia, knew she would try to kill her soon, though Ksenia was always prepared if she did. She took proper precautions for it. But Ksenia ended up getting something worse. She was offered up for shows that she wouldn’t consent to, and Ksenia would often never be left alone. By the time her third reaping had rolled around, Ksenia had been reaped.

“KSeNiA AgRiCoLA!”

She stood in shock, refusing to accept that no one had volunteered for her. Not even her friends, half siblings or anyone. She could audibly hear someone laughing. A few people just seemed sad, and/or sorry for Ksenia. As a minor act of defiance, Ksenia refused to walk up to the stage, instead she did a multitude of flips, handsprings and twists. She could see Vilja saluting to her before she’d been ushered off stage.

  • Ksenia was born in a more upper class part of district nine, to parents Nata and Valentino Agricola, with four older siblings (in order of age: Nadia, Olivero, Elsa, Roma).
  • Ksenia’s mother (Nata) died shortly after she was born
  • At their mother’s funeral, the Agricola siblings began to notice that their father didn’t even care that she had died, in fact, he seemed rather unfazed towards her death.
  • He remarried within two months, and they had their twin half-siblings within a year.
  • When they were born, Ksenia and her siblings were treated differently.
  • Their half siblings got spoiled rotten, while they had to sleep in a one room basement and had to work on the farm, just for little food.
  • By the time she was seven, she had more than five half-siblings
  • Most of her half sibling were brats, but not Misty.
  • Misty was two years younger than Ksenia, and seemed to love them.
  • She would often sneak them food scraps, and play with them when they were bored.
  • When Ksenia was eight, Misty had found their basement, and started telling them about her parents.
  • Her dad was just as neglectful as he had been to his other kids, but their mother had over-spoiled them, and she even became abusive at times.
  • Their dad had also never told their half-siblings about Ksenia and her siblings, and had just said that they were farm workers, completely burying the little connection that they had made.
  • When Ksenia wasn’t working, you could count on her doing gymnastics or dancing. She was quite young when she discovered her passion for the sports.
  • Ksenia was extremely good at them, even though she had never gotten proper training.
  • Once she was nine, she befriended the daughter of a district nine politician, and had been offered to start training there.
  • Ksenia was overjoyed, and leaped at the opportunity.
  • She often convinced her siblings to help her sneak out.
  • They were never caught, mainly due to the fact that their parents never even bothered to check to see if they were alright.
  • After a few months, Ksenia began to perform in shows, creating a minor spectacle with some of her moves, that were never even attempted before.
  • She did make a lot of money, however every single cent went to her parents.
  • When Ksenia was eleven, while walking home from a performance, her house a weird scent around it.
  • Wrapping a wet towel from her backpack around her mouth, she went in to investigate.
  • She almost collapsed when she saw the bodies of Misty and Roma lying on the ground.
  • Holding back tears, Ksenia searched around the homestead for anyone else, but then realised the games finale was on, and everyone was in the town square. She hated those things.
  • Ksenia knew that her father or stepmother had to have done it, but she had no evidence to convict her.
  • At their joint funeral, again, their father seemed unfazed once again.
  • To do justice for her brother and half-sister, Ksenia started training to become a forensic toxicologist, while still performing on the side. The books about toxicology, however, were not particularly descriptive.
  • Ksenia then decided to go with her last chance, and met Vilja Atropine in victor’s village.
  • Many of the district didn’t even dare to go near Vilja, as it was public knowledge she’d killed her brother during the games, though this wasn’t true.
  • When she was fourteen she became a major spectacle in the district.
  • At fifteen, Ksenia was reaped.



Ksenia on the outside is a kind, caring person who is still manages to be kind to everyone around her despite whatever she goes through. She is a loyal, caring person who is very close to those she deems worthy. Ksenia is also very performative with the way she speaks, using her sassiness and charm to her advantage. The public mainly see her as someone who is charismatic and bold, and Ksenia practically became that. Ksenia can easily put on a facade of being a professional. If you upset Ksenia, you will regret your choices. You will bring out the Ksenia that most people don’t see, the one fuelled by all those years of neglect and abuse that she and her siblings endured. Ksenia will not mess with anyone, she will fight with her allies until the end.

  • Star sign: Pisces
  • Birthday: 14th March
  • Origin: Russian/Italian/Arabic
  • Alliance: None (currently)
  • Allies: None (currently)

Notable Acquaintances/Family Members:[]

  • Roma Agricola (brother) (deceased)
  • Nadia Agricola (sister)
  • Olivero Agricola (brother)
  • Elsa Agricola (sister)
  • Nata Agricola (mother) (deceased)
  • Valentino Agricola (father)
  • Misty Agricola (half-sister)(deceased)
  • Vilja Atropine (friend/acquaintance)
  • Unnamed Stepmother
  • Unnamed other Half-Siblings

Trivia/Inspiration & Etymology:[]

  • Her appearance is based on one of my friends, who had requested me to make an OC.
  • Her birthday is the is the same is gymnast Simone Biles, who inspired me to start gymnastics.
  • Her name comes from a piece of writing I had made which has since been discarded,(I think it was something like ‘KSENIA CANT CONCENTRATE’ what was I thinking lol) and the name of one of my cousins.
  • That same cousin inspired Ksenia
  • She is also inspired by the songs Fila Indiana and La Noia by Angelina Mango.
  • She is also inspired by my love for forensic toxicology