The Hunger Games Fanon Wiki

Riley Apocalypto is a tribute made by Nightlock Kryptonite. Please refrain from using this tribute without asking me first.(Bold=Important and Normal=Extra Information) He is finished.

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Riley Apocalypto
Riley Apocalypto Reaping
Name Rye-lee A-po-ca-lip-toe
Age 17
District 4
Gender Male
Weapon Modified Harpoon (With a trident at a projectile)
Best Placing 3rd
Best Training Score 9
Best Odds 6/1
Made By Nightlock Kryptonite


Name: Riley Apocalypto

Age: 17

District: 4 (C)



Personality: He is hot, popular and witty, but not arrogant. He is not brutal and evil like most Careers, he has a kind heart and is sypathetic towards younger tributes. He has not trained in academy even though he has had about a dozen offers from the best school in District 4 and has declined them all. He likes to taunt people with his skills and body, he likes to train in privet but in sight of the girls dorm. He did eventually go to the academy when he was 14 and loved it. He is also a good fisherman and likes to experiment with tools, like his most favorite weapon, a Harpoon with a Trident as a projectile. He can shoot even the smallest fish with the Harpoon and also has no problem hitting bigger targets.

Weapon Of Choice: Modified Harpoon (With a Trident as a projectile) aka. MH

Alternate weapons: Trident, Spear, Throwing Axes and basicly everything that involves throwing or marksmanship

Reaping: He volunteered, just like a normal old Career for the same old reason, he is the most popular and strongest boy in the District. But not alot of girls were ok with him going into the arena.

Strengths: He is strong, fit and sexy. He works out everyday and has a 'perfect' body, so is very popular with the Capitol. He is also very good with a Harpoon because he a tremendous aim.

Weaknesses: He is not the brightest boy in the world and is very simple minded. He also will not kill a District 3 tribute

Fears: Ironically; Drowning

Alliance: The Careers

Token: A bit of seaweed that reminds him of District 4; Home.

Interview angle: Hot, witty and kind, unlike the other Careers.

Bloodbath Strategy: He will fight in the bloodbath and kill of other tributes along side the Careers

Games Strategy: Stick with the Careers and kill every other tribute. He has a soft spot for District 3 because they are so peaceful. When the final 10 gets underway he will kill all of the horrible Careers and will leave the nice one(s) alone. His aim is to win, like everyone else.

Reasons for winning: To become the image of The Hunger Games, not as a tyrant, but a normal person who has beat the system

Back-story: In short, he has always been a lucky bastard. He was born blessed with good looks and a nice personality. His family is rich and they buy him whatever he pleases, from food to even a hamster called Willow. Hamsters are incredibly rare in Panem, let alone District 4 and they have evolved ever since the place called 'North America' was alive and back then they had a life expectancy of 2, but now its 7 and Willow is 3. He is the most popular boy in school and is friends with everyone. Most of the time the popular kids are stereotyped as being bullies and stuck up snobs, and even though he is without a doubt a snob, he isn't stuck up or a bully and even protects the geeky and unpopular when real bullies come along, you could say he and his group are one of a kind. When he was 13 he lost his virginity to a girl called Joan, who was 17. Joan had sex with him because of his cute and sexy appearance, not to mention his you-know-what. He trained at the academy nearly every day because he knew that eventually he will have to volunteer. He was planning to volunteer when he was 18 but he over heard a conversation between the mayor and a Capitol representative on the day of the reaping saying that the next games, the quarter quell, would be specifically for the teens age 14 - 12. That meant that today would be his last chance. So at the reaping he Volunteered, which made everyone very sad.


Nightlock Kryptonite's Tributes
Victors Liv Seasal - Emerald Opal - Trigger Storm - Karla Flake - Gloom Ivy
Signature Tributes Harley Swoop - Piper Quinn - Mimic Slaughter - Zak Slaughter - Helena Krisp
Capitol Tabby Euphoria - Ariellis Rhineheart - Absol Solstice
District 0 Valerie Moonshine - Violet Cascade
District 1 Emerald Opal - Glow Décor - Toph Beifong
District 2 Trigger Storm - Alvin Dover - Kaylee Yorane
District 3 Karla Flake - Plus Silence - Minus Silence
District 4 Liv Seasal - Riley Apocalypto - Rift Coral
District 5 Theodore Vendetta - Jolt Everest - Amanda Leinheef
District 6 Mimic Slaughter - Zak Slaughter
District 7 Lydia Hollow - Autumn Fall
District 8 Wichita Firehill - Elipsis Empirical
District 9 Bailey Starshine
District 10 Helena Krisp - Tenzen Astray
District 11 Gloom Ivy - Auburn Friday
District 12 Twix Cinders - Delilah Brooklyn
District 13 Harley Swoop - Piper Quinn
District 14 Christina Shatter