The Hunger Games Fanon Wiki

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Twix Cinders
Twix Cinders
Name Twix Sin-ders
Age 12
District 12
Gender Male
Weapon Spear
Best Placing 6th
Best Training Score 5
Best Odds 37/1
Made By Nightlock Kryptonite


Name: Twix Cinders.

Age: 12

District: 12

Personality: Twix is a quiet and polite boy. He never gets into fights or gets into trouble. He normally wears nothing but a hat, a scarf, but is made to wear shorts when he goes out. He would help anyone, even a bully, if they are in mortal danger, which makes him very likeable. He is a very confident boy and he has no shame because he normally invites his friends round to his house when he is naked.

Weapon: Spear.

Strengths: The 3 S': Small, Smart and Strong.

Weaknesses: Fire, wearing clothes.

Alternate Weapons: Fists, Knives.

Interview Angle: Social and Smart, also a tiny bit arrogant.

Token: His hat and scarf.

Alliances: Stay alone. No alliances because he thinks he will just get a knife in the back. He might go with the District 12 female, If he wants to.

Bloodbath Strategy: Don't run straight in, just wonder around the side until everyone leaves then grab a few supplies. But he will just run if the career alliance is bigger then 4.

Games Strategy: Hide out with his alliance member or by himself. He will kill someone if they try to kill him. He won't do anything stupid like just running into a fight, when/if he reaches the final 8, or the feast, he will kill everybody because he has realized that he might be able to win. He won't kill someone younger then him or his alliance member, but if they are the final two, then he will kill them as quick and as painless as possible.

Back-story: He has had a normal seam life. His dad works in the mines but is still pretty healthy so he taught Twix how to use a Spear, he has also been trained with Knives and a Bow and Arrow. His dad has always been there for him but lives in a different house closer to the mines, so Twix is alone, just how he likes it. He has hated wearing clothes ever since he was 5 because his clothes were set on fire, luckily he wasn't burnt, but he has just hated putting on clothes. So he normally stays naked.

Nightlock Kryptonite's Tributes
Victors Liv Seasal - Emerald Opal - Trigger Storm - Karla Flake - Gloom Ivy
Signature Tributes Harley Swoop - Piper Quinn - Mimic Slaughter - Zak Slaughter - Helena Krisp
Capitol Tabby Euphoria - Ariellis Rhineheart - Absol Solstice
District 0 Valerie Moonshine - Violet Cascade
District 1 Emerald Opal - Glow Décor - Toph Beifong
District 2 Trigger Storm - Alvin Dover - Kaylee Yorane
District 3 Karla Flake - Plus Silence - Minus Silence
District 4 Liv Seasal - Riley Apocalypto - Rift Coral
District 5 Theodore Vendetta - Jolt Everest - Amanda Leinheef
District 6 Mimic Slaughter - Zak Slaughter
District 7 Lydia Hollow - Autumn Fall
District 8 Wichita Firehill - Elipsis Empirical
District 9 Bailey Starshine
District 10 Helena Krisp - Tenzen Astray
District 11 Gloom Ivy - Auburn Friday
District 12 Twix Cinders - Delilah Brooklyn
District 13 Harley Swoop - Piper Quinn
District 14 Christina Shatter

